BSB50120 - Diploma of Business
Work Ready

RTO Identifier: 50030

National Course Code: BSB50120

CRICOS Code: 087142M

The Phoenix BSB5120 Diploma of Business – Work Ready course provides students with a broad understanding of contemporary business practices used within a variety of entry-level positions in both the public and private sectors.

The business course at our Perth campus is ideal for people with little or no business experience, but is also useful for business owners, team leaders and managers who wish to formalise their existing knowledge and skills.

Although the primary focus of this course is ‘work-readiness’, students may also choose to apply for advanced standing at universities in Australia.

Course structure: 8 x 5 week blocks per year - 1-2 subjects studied per block
Delivery mode: Face-to-Face or 'LIVE' online classes including guided learning through the Phoenix student portal
Subjects: 10
Hours per week: 15 hrs/wk (average)
Course duration: 6, 9, or 12 months
Academic entry requirements: Year 11 (or equivalent)
English entry requirements: CEFR B2 / IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent)


Units of Competency:

  • Post Certificate IV: Students will complete 12 Units of Competency
  • Year 11/12 entry: Students will complete 24 Units of Competency


For more information about our BSB50120 Diploma of Business course, please visit the Phoenix Academy website.



Business Communications 500 (COM500)

In this subject, students will look at how to effectively plan a document, draft text, prepare final text and produce the final document.  A variety of business documents will be produced in this subject, including essays, reports and written presentations.

This subject also provides students with the range of skills required to communicate successfully in the modern business environment.  A particular focus is given to the preparation and delivery of presentations to target audiences.

BSBXCM401 Apply communication strategies in the workplace

BSBWRT411 Write complex documents

Information Systems 500 (INFO500)

This subject aims to provide students with a general background of Business Information Systems (BIS) and its role in contributing to organisational success.

Students are introduced to the tools and processes required to assess & implement an effective BIS for an organisation.

BSBINS402 Co-ordinate workplace information systems

BSBTEC404 Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment

Accounting 500 (ACC500)

This subject provides students with the skills and knowledge required to report financial activity for business purposes. It includes understanding the accounting theory including cash and accrual accounting concepts.

BSBFIN401 Report on financial activity

Legal Framework 500 (LEG500)

This subject provides students with the skills and knowledge required to identify and comply with the regulatory, legal, taxation and insurance requirements, and other regulatory requirements for business operations.

Students will also gain an understanding of how to identify risks and to apply established risk management processes that are within a person's own work responsibilities and area of operation.

BSBESB402 Establish legal & risk management requirements of new business ventures

BSBOPS403 Apply business risk management processes

Management 500 (MGT501 & MGT502)

Business Relationships 501 (MGT501)

This subject provides students with the skills and knowledge required to establish, develop and maintain effective work relationships and networks through relationship building and negotiation skills required by businesses. 

Students will also understand the skills and knowledge required to use advanced-level critical thinking skills. This includes using methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

BSBTWK401 Build and maintain business relationships

BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices

Business Practices 502 (MGT502)

This subject describes the skills required to plan and prioritise own work tasks. It also addresses the skills and knowledge to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.

Students will also understand the skills required to develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities

BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Business Communications 510 (COM510)

This subject describes the skills required to lead communication in the workplace. This subject has a specific focus on the communication skills required for team leaders with responsibility for others.   

This subject also covers the skills required to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others. This subject also covers skills required to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to write persuasive copy.

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

BSBMKG555 Write persuasive copy

Marketing Principles & Practice 510 (MKT510)

This subject covers the skills required to identify, evaluate and take advantage of marketing opportunities by analysing market data, distinguishing characteristics of possible markets and assessing viability of changes to operations.

This subject also describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan and evaluate the use of social media. It requires the ability to determine suitable social media platforms, plan appropriate use and evaluate the effectiveness of social media activity.

BSBMKG541 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media strategy

Accounting 510 (ACC510)

This subject presents the skills required to undertake financial management in an organisation or work area. It includes planning and implementing financial management approaches and supporting and evaluating effectiveness of financial management processes.

BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans

Management 510 (MGT511, MGT512 & MGT513)

Operational Management 511 (MGT511)

This subject covers the skills required to develop and monitor the implementation of operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace practices and organisational productivity and profitability  It includes the skills required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage.

BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources

Organisational Behaviour 512 (MGT512)

This subject presents skills required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships. This subject also covers the skills required to manage the performance of staff that are direct reports.  The subject makes the link between performance management and performance development and reinforces both functions as a key requirement for effective managers.

BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

BSBLDR522 Manage people performance

Business Sustainability 513 (MGT513)

This subject covers the skills required to develop and implement workplace sustainability policies and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances. It also covers the skills required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes, and reporting meeting outcomes.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

BSBTWK503 Manage meetings