Do You Expect Your Partner To Cheat?

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With all the talk about Tiger and his inability to keep his cub in his pants, cheating has become front page news across the nation. Now, given his status in life, money, and the prevalence of cheating, I suppose we could reasonably expect that he would have strayed at some point and that his wife probably knew about it but just didn’t want to read about in the tabloids or she’d go all 9-Iron on his buttocks.

But really, cheating isn’t limited to the rich and powerful; according to most statistics nearly EVERYBODY is cheating. I decided to do a little surfing and found these statistics on infidelity:

• 55% to 75% of men (married and single) cheat on their mates.

• female infidelity has increased 50% in the past 10 years and is fast approaching the rate of male infidelity.

• 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some point during their marriage

• 60% of the people in one study, who admitted to cheating on their mate, said their partner did not know about their affair.

Now actual stats vary by site, but one that that’s constant is that folks are really having trouble keeping it in their pants – or out of their pants.  There’s lots of pants parties going on, is the main bullet point to take away from those bullets. The one glaring stat is that more than half of EVERYBODY are cheating on their spouses or significant others, but that doesn’t really stop anybody from getting into relationships.

But HALF?!?!  So more than 50 percent of marriages end in divorce and more than 50 percent of people in relationships participate in outside booty play. It’s no wonder there are so many more single people running amok causing articles to be written about “the man/woman” ratio. Getting into a relationship today just seems like you’re asking for drama further down the line. It’s like trying to turn a ho into a housewife, you hope for the best but you pretty much know how it’s going to end.

Or do you?

Now, I’ve been cheated on by AT LEAST two girlfriends. One actually asked me if her ex could stay the night at her spot because he just got back in town from like Beirut or some place where ninjas fight a lot. I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to ask me so I said, “the fact that you’re asking makes me think that you think its okay.  I’m not your daddy, do what you feel.”  I broke up with her shortly after because I was sure she’d strayed.  She did and copped to it two years later. Which wouldn’t have been so bad except she called me to tell me this during the initial network run of The Temptations Movie.  I was like, “you called me to tell me THAT during THIS MOVIE? I already knew you cheated on me. Why do you think I broke up with you?”

The other one was just a garden variety ho.

And yet, after those two instances, I got RIGHT back into other relationships. And never once thought about the fact that my girl might cheat on me, despite stasticis and history indicating that it would indeed happen. I find this odd.

But I like fun so perhaps I’m not like everybody else.

Anyway, I wrote ALL that to say, do you every consider the fact that your man/woman will more than likely cheat on you? Does the likelihood of your significant other cheating have any impact on your desire to date somebody? If you find out that the person you’re interested cheated on somebody prior, does it make you think twice about dealing with them?

Basically, given the stats, how does the likelihood of cheating affect your relationships, if at all?

Do tell.

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