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because instead of exalting the churches, schools, and courts with the Law of Moses and the Spirit of Jesus, Dalrock and Vox are telling men they need game–they need to serve butt and gingaa tinzgzlzozozozlzozozo over moses and jesus, over homer and virgil.

many of you witnessed the violent attacks against da GBFM on dalrock’s blog from atheist frankfartiansz such as Boxer et al. did dalrock ever step in? no, he watched on in glee as his flock of fawning frankfartian fanboyz taught that jesus came to abolish the law of moses so as to make way for dalrockcasz gamey gamesz lzlzozloz.

long story short, if a young man who is facing divorce and losing his children went to dalrock and vox for counsel, dalrock and vox would tell him to “man up, bitch!” and learn some game like da lostass occkas dalrockas and voxas, as feminism has won and shall go on winning, as long as dalrock and vox blog.

never in a million years will dalrock nor vox suggest that we need to change the culture, or schools, or courts, or laws to reflect the teahcings of moses and jesus, of homer and virgil; but instead dalrock will dictate that men must now learn game. for dalrock and vox do not see christianity as brotherly love serving the greater good, as they cannot see beyond da tips of their own cocoakskskz, which dicktate that “Christians need game,” as dalrock writes on his blog.

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