BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills

RTO Identifier: 50030

National Course Code: BSB40120

CRICOS Code: 105430E

This Certificate II qualification reflects the roles undertaken in a variety of junior administrative positions. These employees perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals obtaining this qualification will generally work in roles under direct supervision. 

The qualification sits within the BSB Business Services Training Package (Release 2) at Certificate II level / Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 2.

Course structure: 8 x 5 week blocks per year - 1-2 subjects studied per block
Delivery mode: Face-to-Face or 'LIVE' online classes with guided learning through the Phoenix portal; Fully online option available
Subjects: 7
Hours per week: up to 15 hrs/wk (average)
Course duration: 6 months
Academic entry requirements: None for adults; Year 10 (or equivalent) for secondary students
English entry requirements: CEFR B1+ / IELTS 5.0 (or equivalent); or Australian Year 10 English

For more information about our BSB20120 Certificate II (Workplace Skills) course, please visit the Phoenix Academy website.



Business Communications 200 (COM200)

In this subject students learn the skills and knowledge required to apply basic communication skills in the workplace, including identifying, gathering, and conveying information along with completing assigned written information.

This subject also includes identifying and working to organisational standards, managing workload, and working as part of a team.

BSBCMM211 Apply communications skills

BSBOPS201 Work effectively in business environments

Health Safety 200 (WHS200)

In this subject students learn the skills required to work in a manner that is healthy and safe in relation to self and others, and to assist in responding to incidents.

The subject covers following work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures, instructions, and requirements; and participating in WHS consultative processes.

BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others

Information Technology 200 (INFO200)

This subject presents the skills and knowledge required to effectively identify, select, and use available methods of digital communication in a workplace context. These methods may include email, instant messaging, and other similar platforms.

BSBTEC202 Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment

Finance 200 (FIN200)

In these subject students learn the skills required to prepare, process and maintain financial transactions and to reconcile outstanding accounts.

BSBFIN301 Process financial transactions

Sustainable Work 200 (SUS200)

This subject examines the work required to measure, support, and find opportunities to improve the sustainability of work practices.

BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Business Practices 200 (BUSPRAC200)

This subject assists students to learn how to advocate for and feel empowered about personal well-being in the workplace. It involves developing and applying basic knowledge of factors that may influence well-being, both positively and negatively.  

The subject also assists students to learn how to work cooperatively with others and deal effectively with issues, problems, and conflict. 

The subject also instructs students how to implement time management processes to organise and complete work tasks.

It also addresses skills and knowledge to seek and review feedback for performance improvement regarding time management and use technology appropriate to the task.

BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management

Critical Thinking 200 (CRIT200)

This subject describes the skills and knowledge required to solve problems, develop questions and respond to feedback on questions on workplace issues.

BSBCRT201 Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills