Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)

An internationally recognised and prestigious qualification.

  • Full time (4 weeks) OR part-time (10 weeks)
  • Small class: 6 trainees with one tutor; 12 trainees with 2 tutors


  • Learners & Teachers
  • The Teaching & Learning Context
  • Language Analysis & Awareness
  • Language Skills - Reading, Listening, Speaking, & Writing
  • Planning & Resources for Different Contexts
  • Developing Teaching Skills & Professionalism

For more information about our Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) course, please visit the Phoenix Academy website.

CELTA Pre-course Information

The information contained on this page is for those enrolled on the Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) course delivered at Phoenix Academy.

You will find information such as pre-course reading and tasks that will assist you on the course.

CELTA - Part Time

The CELTA course gives you the essential skills and knowledge you'll need to teach English to adults and older teenagers. You'll get hands-on teaching practice and observation of experienced teachers, applying your learning in the classroom with real English language learners. 

CELTA - Full Time

The CELTA course gives you the essential skills and knowledge you'll need to teach English to adults and older teenagers. You'll get hands-on teaching practice and observation of experienced teachers, applying your learning in the classroom with real English language learners. 

CELTA Volunteer Students (Free English Lessons)

Students who attend our English class receive a carefully-planned lesson covering all aspects of learning English including reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary, with lots of speaking and fun. Seats are limited!

Pre-entry requirements: Students are required to complete the GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY assessment using the FREE iPEPT lite.